How to Get Organized in Less than 3 Minutes! (Free Printable)

Have you every had a week where your head was spinning with the long list of to-dos?  Then this post is for you.

Let’s work together and get organized.   In this post, I’ll share my favorite new printable to help you get organized and focused on what is most important.

How to Use:

Set a timer for 3 minutes.    Take the first 30 seconds to think about and write out the three most important big goals in your life (i.e. Get a degree, organize your home, write a book, find more joy in life).   These help set the pace and priority for the rest of the exercise.

Next, take 30 seconds to write down your top motivation.   Are you working to be your best self?  Are you motivated to succeed for a family member?

Now it’s time to get all those to-dos down on paper.  Take about a minute and quickly jot down everything that you know you need to do.  Don’t worry if you miss something, you can always add it later!

Finally, let’s get priorities in order.  In the final minute, re-read your goals and star items from your to-do list that are either urgent (I have to send in this bill today), or important (writing a chapter on my book).   Take those starred items and add them to the urgent and important lists at the bottom of the sheet.

Now, take a deep breath and start to tackle those items in the bottom boxes.   Start by knocking out quick urgent items and build from there.   Schedule time as best you can for the important items.   They help get you closer to your goals and deserve time from you!    Good luck and leave a comment to let me know how this works for you!!

Free Printable:   MyBestDay_MyPriorities_Teal


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The 3 Secrets of Successful Goal Setters

Whether it’s a new year’s resolution to write that book or the determination that you’ll finally at long last start a gym routine, everyone has a goal that they would like to achieve.   Some people excel at setting and achieving their goals, some have trouble getting started, and some are a mix – achieving goals easily in some areas and falling behind in others.   Regardless of which camp you fall into, here are three tried-and-true methods to setting and reaching goals!

1.   Be realistic.

While it may not seem fun to set a little goal and achieve it, the biggest goals are not achieved all at once.   Set a goal to go to the gym three times THIS week, not 7 days a week for the next 6 months.  You’ll start a snowball effect from getting started and continue it as you reach each little (measurable) goal.   One trick to make sure that your goal is realistic is to write it down clearly and concisely.  Then, step away for at least a day.  When you go back to the goal, does it feel doable or does it cause anxiety?  If it’s not doable, break it down into smaller pieces, choose one to focus on and repeat.   Continue doing this until you have a goal that feels reasonable and motivates you!

2.  Have accountability.

As human beings, we are often trained mentally to consider how others view us.   This can either cause undue anxiety or can push us to excel.   Use this fact to your advantage.   Share your goal with someone who will check in on you.  If you don’t feel ready yet to share your goal, create a tracker in your planner or journal and mark off each step you take toward it.   Regardless, creating a system of accountability to yourself or others will help you keep going!

3.  Failure is not a permanent condition.

Of the three secrets here, I’ve found this one is the most important to remember.   We can get caught up very easily in what we’ve not been able to do in the past, or where we’ve fallen off the bandwagon.  One thing that every successful, goal-achieving person has in common is failure.  It is part of success.   The difference in those that achieve their goals and those that do not is simple:  those that achieve their goals pick up and keep going after failure.   Your past failures do NOT define your future self.


Supplies Used:

Staedtler Pigment Liner Pens

Tombow Dual Brush Pens – Bright

Leuchtturm1917 Hardcover Medium Dotted Journal – Sand

Binder Clips

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